Field of Science

Books Giveaway II

I'm giving away a bunch of books as I need the space and also facing some money issues , voluntary contribution if not specified otherwise, mailing is possible if recipient covers costs of package and mail from Italy - worldwide. If interested in one or more books please contact by e-mail: HistoryGeology"add"

Peter Rothe (2005): Gesteine - Entstehung -Zerstörung -Umbildung. Hardback with 192 pages, color photos and
black and white/color diagrams.

Peter Rothe (2000): Erdgeschichte - Spurensuche im Gestein.  Hardback with 238 pages, color photos and black and white/color diagrams.

Wolf von Engelhardt (2003): Goethe im Gespräch mit der Erde - Landschaft, Gesteine, Mineralien und Erdgeschichte in seinem Leben und Werk. Hardback with 375 pages, black and white figures.

Wicander and Monroe (2000): Historical Geology - Evolution of Earth and Life Through Time. Softcover with 579 pages, black and white/color photos and figures.

Mark Renz (2005): Giants in the Storm. Softcover with 257 pages, black and white photos and figures.
Bayerisches Landesamt für Geologie (2012): Nicht von dieser Welt - Bayerns Meteorite.
Hardback with 128 pages, black and white/color photos and figures, maps.

Brian Switek (2010): Written in Stone - Evolution, the Fossil Record, and Our Place in Nature. Softcover with 315 pages, black and white photos and figures.
Turek, Marek und Benes (1991): Fossilien - Handbuch und Führer für den Sammler.
Hardback with 495 pages, color photos and figures.
Duda, Rejl und Slivka (1995): Mineralien - Handbuch und Führer für den Sammler.
Hardback with 520 pages, color photos and figures.

Uwe George (1993): Expedition in die Urwelt - Paläontologie: Die Erforschung der steinernen Zeit. Hardback with 332 pages, color photos and figures.

Miles Barton et al. (2003): Wildes Amerika - Zeugen der Eiszeit. Hardback with 192 pages, color photos and figures.
Time Life Bücher (1993): Der Planet Erde - Edelmetalle. Hardback with 176 pages, black and white/color photos and figures.
Hans Anton Stalder udn Franz Haverkamp (1973): Mineralien - Verborgene Schätze unserer Alpen. Hardback with 175 pages, black and white/color photos and figures.

Books Giveways I.

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